Thursday, December 1, 2011

To start this blog up again, I thought I would start by saying what a great year 2011 has been! Kade and Ty turning 7 and 9. Kade's birthday we had a family BBQ, then let him take 5 friends to the drive inn to see Transformers 3 (7 kids total with Ty and Baylee, YIKES) Ty's birthday at Chuck E Cheese. I did several 5 K's, which isn't a lot, but a first for me. I also completed a 36 mile bike ride (Little Red Riding Hood) up in Lewiston, Utah. That was a lot of fun and a huge accomplishment considering I've never been a rider at all. Great summer with the wave runner and all the FUN trips, mostly to Willard Bay and one to Flaming Gorge, my China trip, the adoption-which is my favorite part. This has been a great year! Here is a picture right after the adoption with our attorney. We celebrated after by the family all going to Tepanyaki. (Yum) but our celebrating was cut short with Brett's first hunting trip ever (Boo) No, he didn't get anything this year, but hopefully he draws out next year. He literally had to leave at 3:00 am the next morning. I am missing a lot of good times, but captured my fav's... Well, Happy Blogging to me!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, I finally started a blog. It's going to take a while to get this figured out so please be patient with me. LOL